Better luck next time.
Getting a Japanese Driver’s License, Part 3: Failing
May 13th, 2010
Getting a Japanese Driver’s License, Part 2: Practice
Reporting back in with progress from the J-License acquisition quest…
April 21st, 2010
Lancia Delta, some rare Subarus and more…
April 16th, 2010
Getting a Japanese Driver’s License: Part 1
Documenting the process of getting a MT driver’s license in Kagoshima Prefecture.
March 10th, 2010
This is the first in what I expect to be an ongoing collection of snapshots. There are plenty of incredibly high-performance (and, reciprocally, incredibly low-performance) cars roaming the streets. If only their existence here wasn’t pure irony, with standard 50km/h speed limits and 100km/h max on the expressway. If you are caught at over 120km/h […]
February 25th, 2010
So, it has been a busy couple of weeks between work, weekend trips, and attempting to recover from a mysterious knee injury. All is well now, work has slowed down a bit while students take term exams and my knee is almost fully healed (just in time for this weekend’s 10K race at Sakurajima). With […]
February 24th, 2010
A particularly large amount of ash flew over the Osumi peninsula this morning. The cloud followed me from Kanoya to my school in Nejime, leaving my car nicely coated in gray. Slowly creeping over the apartment. Looking south. Mos Burger’s bright red a-frame roof, soon to be less bright red. A JSDF plane flies into […]
January 26th, 2010
A pool hidden in plain sight, amongst other things.
Despite not having classes, today ended up being quite busy. The morning started out with three letters in my mailbox at school: In case you are curious, the numbers on the outside are chosen by students (and teachers!) so they do not have to put their name. When I reply, I write their number on […]
January 25th, 2010
This morning I woke up to see around 6cm of snow outside my kitchen window. I couldn’t believe it actually snowed here. Sure enough, there it was covering the base of Mt. Ontake right outside my kitchen window. Finally, wiping snow off of my car instead of ash. A nice change of pace… it almost […]
January 13th, 2010
Welcome Home. Yours Truly, Sakurajima
I can think of no more fitting reception upon my return to Kagoshima than a massive plume of ash from Sakurajima. Here you can see the cloud being split by the Takakuma mountain range. This was the view from my kitchen window just after the taxi dropped me off at my apartment. A deceptively gentle […]
January 4th, 2010
Currently writing from an Internet Cafe in Nagoya where I will spend the night. If I get H1N1, it won’t be from any of my classrooms, co-workers or students, but rather here in this cracked, fake leather recliner. The trip thus far: 12/25: Kagoshima to Haneda, overnight in Kawasaki at Takashi’s place. 12/26: Used camera […]
December 29th, 2009
My new bowling ball. 15lbs with a pretty sharp hook on paper, though the alley drilled a balance hole that really mellowed it out… I wasn’t getting a lot of movement out of it, but I think it was due to the lane conditions. Watch out, Kasonohara Bowl. I’m joining the 2010 tournaments.
December 24th, 2009
A peek at my first Christmas in Japan: Dec 24th: Thanks to my family for the thoughtful gifts and decorations, and Chris for the surprise package of Big League Chew®, Jaw-Busters®, Mass-Effect for 360, and yet another charming caricature of me. Dec 23rd: Dinner with Miyuki and Kosuke. Miyuki brought these chicken legs which looked […]
December 24th, 2009
That’s the artist’s rendition of me in the corner. If my hair only looked that cool in real life… 3D! This was a great way to start my day.
December 21st, 2009
This was a particularly active day for Sakurajima. I first noticed the a massive cloud of ash being redirected south-east as I drove to work around 7:30. An ominous cloud approaches. In this shot, you can really appreciate the distance this stuff travels and the volume that is produced… The city was blanketed in ash […]
December 7th, 2009