174/366: GDloft invades Kagoshima, day 4

June 22nd, 2012 in Daily

Kev riding in the Ash Zamboni, used by our school to collect the daily ashfall from our neiborhood volcano, Sakurajima

GDloft’s last day in Kagoshima. We headed up in the morning to visit Tarumizu High, where the students were in shock and awe at the guys when we all got out of the car. One of my students may or may not have called Kevin “toilet face” in an attempt to remark about his amazing sideburns. We also met with the principal, in her office, which I’m sure might have been awkward for all parties, but it was cool to share this experience with them. In the classroom, the second year kids were predictably quiet, though one of my favorite, more quirky students asked Kevin if he liked “high balls” – which caught us off guard, seeing as it is this old mixed drink and a 16 year old was asking about it. Though, she also thought Kev was the university professor and Allan was the younger one. Laughs all around, then more laughs once they heard Kevin’s thunder laugh. Hahaha… amazing.

Next we headed up to Sakurajima again to catch the ferry, stopping at a souvenir stand for last minute gift shopping. At Chuo station we got lunch at Milan, giving the guys energy for their three hours ride up to Hiroshima. Wish I could have went along with them on the second leg of their trip… Next time!

Here are some shots I took from this morning:

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