246/365: sports day 1/3

September 3rd, 2011 in Daily

kendo gear

Windy, ashy, hot, strong sun… tough day for the sports festival.

blue team went with the bozosoku biker gang theme

"maru batsu" (circle x-mark) game, or tic-tac-toe

Lot of student portraits this time around, of which I won’t post here until later. Instead, here are the large banners painted by each team (by color):

White team: Shirohige, Captain Whitebeard from One Piece

Yellow Team: Monster Hunter character, and pikachu with their writing for "Electrical Course"

Blue Team: student described as "Japanese Yankee", Bozosoku bike gang theme

Pink "momo" Team: Monster Hunter,Gundam Zerg and Kirby (not pictured) characters

Green Team: Slime, Gundam (?) and a variety board

Red Team: Monster Hunter, Shanks and Akainu (not pictured) from One Piece

Purple Team: Electronics course, TV talento...

Purple Team (denshi) should have won it. The gap between first and second place was three points… lame.

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