
July 13th, 2011 in Daily

Ash collection point on Sakurajima

With the Sakurajima in clear view from class, it was hard for me not to stare outside during class today. Great morning light. We did sentence translation drills with the 3rd years so I practiced alongside them. They laughed at me since I still confuse the Kanji for family names I don’t know as Kanji for nouns or verbs (which I also don’t know).

Mailbox filled up with souvenir requests today:

Letter Assault

Wish they’d been a little more specific than “I want a present!!!” or “I want a picture!!!”… I was hoping for oddball requests that were impossible to fill, just to get a laugh out of them being creative. No more templates!

Headed up to Sakurajima today after to see if there were any shots to be had. Stopped at Kaigata port on the way, one of my favorite viewpoints.

Wasn’t much to see on the volcano or harbor, but I snapped a few of the car for posterity.

The ever ready RA, probably going to run like a banshee well beyond it's years of value here in Japan. I'd hate to sell it to anyone here, because it would surely be scrapped for parts profit.

The tide was in, well, way in today (full moon), so I skipped the beach on the way and went to my usual viewpoints.

Bus Stop sign for Osumi destinations

Tourists hopping off the bus as I was shooting the dangerously steep slopes into the coves below. The water down there must have a really high sulfur content.

inlets and coves from Kinko Bay. The same waters that boiled over wells and cooked fish just before the 1914 eruption.

Offerings to the lava gods... ?

The Showa Crater, dwarfed by the massive Minami Dake crater, directly behind it and not visible at ground level.

Intense erosion on the slopes, now with a hint of green after the rainy season is clearing out

Film to the lab tomorrow, more as always… on the way.

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