By chance we decided to stop at Maruyama park for lunch during the search for the Imuta caldera lake just outside of Sendai and Kushikino. We saw some benches near a group of kids playing soccer. What followed was an hour and a half of kid onslaught.

their first strike...

This guy really took to my camera. From this point I lost track of it for a while.

I kept shooting film on the F-1n (though I might have accidentally fogged part of the roll)

trying to eat lunch...

someone else is hungry too...

Hayato, man. Booger City

the cameraman takes a break to pose

miyuki and momo-chan

The camera disappeared again for a while... and turned up with this proudly displayed on the screen

Hayato wants out

trying to get my camera back by force of hadouken

Thanks for shooting with me!

See ya later guys!
Tags: camera, canon f-1n, crazy, kids, kushikino, maruyama, mountain, park