
July 14th, 2011 in Daily

Fighting Spirit! (闘魂 - toukon)

Fighting Spirit! (闘魂 - toukon), written on the wall inside the ping pong clubhouse.

Class Match day at school. Students vs. Teachers, but once the teacher’s teams are knocked out (quickly), it’s a battle royale between the grades and classes. We lost the first seed ping pong match miserably, but destroyed the loser’s bracket team in the afternoon.

I could describe this for you, but I'll let you draw your own conclusions.

Headed over to Kasanohara Bowl this evening. It's been a while.

Came to find out they had a 3-game series challenge. Just ask them to start your series and you get ranked for prizes. Rolled a 538 with a 215, an abysmal 135, then a 188. Being a Brunswick alley, this should look familiar…

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