A brief stop in Nagoya

December 29th, 2009 in Daily

Currently writing from an Internet Cafe in Nagoya where I will spend the night. If I get H1N1, it won’t be from any of my classrooms,  co-workers or students, but rather here in this cracked, fake leather recliner.

The trip thus far:

12/25: Kagoshima to Haneda, overnight in Kawasaki at Takashi’s place.
12/26: Used camera shop tour around Tokyo. Explored some neighborhoods I haven’t seen before.
12/27: Yokohama. Chinatown and the Port area. Never thought fried rice could be so expensive.
12/28: Tsukiji Market, then to Kamakura. Saw 200+kg tuna at the market, the most beautiful train station to date in Kamakura (鎌倉高校前駅 / Kamakurakoukoumae), and the Great Buddah of Kamakura

12/19: Today we rode around 8 hours worth of local trains from Kawasaki city (just outside Tokyo), to Fuji in Shizuoka prefecture, and stopping in Nagoya this evening to sleep (if possible). As I write this I am listening to whooping coughs and the flicks of metal lighters. In any case, I’ll survive until 7AM.

Tomorrow: Kobe.

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